Lois Hearn Etiquette Consultant - Founder & Director of "Your Manners" (TM) 
Charleston, SC.
Lois Hearn believes that having good manners makes a difference! A difference that plays out in every facet of life, from the grades you get in school, to the respect you long for in business, to whether or not you are invited to that special party. The list goes on! She'll tell you in a heartbeat that knowing the way to mannerly present yourself to others gives you the self-confidence to meet most, if not all, of life's challenges.
Reared in Aiken, South Carolina in a family where good manners was a way of life, Ms. Hearn credits her parents for giving her the lifetime gift of "knowing how to put the right foot forward" and she's sharing (with a great deal of passion!) that know-how with today's young people. As the founder and director of the popular Etiquette and Dining Skills Program, "Your Manners", she custom designs interactive classes for children and for teenagers.
all started with a tea party!" this playful Charleston resident
will tell you,
"I loved it!" And before I knew it, I was giving little girls' very fancy tea parties with silver tea sets, fancy hats and gloves, on a regular basis. While observing more than a few cases of less than polite behavior in her young guests, Ms. Hearn saw the proverbial niche; she would offer her expertise as a teacher of good manners. Thus the "Your Manners" program was born.
evening at a party, a business executive coaxed Ms. Hearn:
"Tell us about this etiquette thing you do. My sales team
needs to meet you." That encounter led to something she could
not have predicted and she now conducts Business Etiquette
workshops and presentations.
has been featured numerous times in newspaper articles and
as a guest on television shows.
"You've helped me feel more confident than I ever dreamed I could be!" That remark was whispered in Lois Hearn's ear not long ago by one of her protégées and it pretty much sums up what she is all about: helping you apply some very simple, doable, skills that will make you more confident than you ever dreamed you could be!
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